GIS and Data Management
- GIS modules(Basic, Intermediate and advanced)
- Applications of GIS
- Data mining and analysis
- GPS & GIS applications
- Google Earth & GIS
- Geodatabase
- Spatial data formats
- GIS software(commercial and open source) ArcGIS, ILWIS,ERDAS,MapWindow, gvSIG, Grass etc.
- GIS in watershed management
- GIS in natural resource management
- GIS in government
- GIS in agriculture
- GIS in urban planning and rural development
- GIS in banking and insurance industries
- GIS in security and crime analysis
Statistical Analysis Programs
- Excel
- Questionnaire design
- Data entry techniques
- Data analysis
ICT for Development
- ICT in agriculture
- ICT in health
- ICT in education
- ICT in government
- ICT in government
- Training in Web2.0 applications and technologies(wikis, blogs, google maps/googleearth, RSS feeds, social media i.e. skype, linkedIn, facebook etc.)